A summary of various things shared since the last update


NCEA change updates continued

UPDATE: subject specific resources for the 2 Level 1  internals  were shared by MOE on the 23 July : see the details

The Ministry of Education have released the initial information for the 3rd Accord day. The focus of day 3 is on the NCEA changes. Subject specific materials will be available early August. The material from previous days can be accessed from the same page link.

At the end of June they also released strategy documents relating to the Literacy and numeracy changes


Awards & support


Short Reads & watches

The latest edition of SET from NZCER features an open access article on the challenge of teaching children mathematics through meaningful problem solving, well worth a read

Read: What it takes to actually improve math education, shared via the Education Hub

Read: A 2 pager from the archives highlighting the different ways we use letters in mathematics which highlights some of the struggles for our learners

Watch:  Why is 2 greater than 4, a proof by induction and not what you expect, a must 5 minute watch and How to teach algebra, collecting like terms




For your classroom  kete

From Mathigon, the Almanac of interesting numbers.

  • 145 is one of just four numbers in base 10 that are the sum of the factorials of their digits (1! + 4! + 5!). Can you find the other three? Discover hundreds of number facts in our Almanac of Interesting Numbers: mathigon.org/almanac#145
  • 720 is 6! And can also be written as the product of consecutive integers in 2 ways. What are those two ways?



NCEA resources

Sorted in Schools NCEA Toolkit  includes resources for teachers and students and also access to NZQA approved assessment resources for 91026 Number and at Level 2, questionairre design, inference and statistical reports.

A reminder about STEMonline – a comprehensive resource for 91027 and 91028, the MCAT and Tables equations and graphs. Sign up process has been streamlined



Upcoming AMA Dates


Other calendar dates

  • Otago Problem Challenge, July 29, Year 7 & 8 students More Info
  • Australian Mathematics Competition. August 4-6: Registrations close June 26 for paper entries July 30 for online entries. More info
  • Virtual Maths summit, Free July 29 & 30 [PT] with 10 days to watch. In my experience this always has some gems.
  • Engineering Science competition , August 7. year 12 & 13 students. More info
  • Just in Time Maths, a series of online hui from the Leaner First
  • Mathsweek : August 9-13
  • MCAT September 14 or 16
  • Maths SIG conference day – Free October 11, New Plymouth Boys High School. More info
  • NZAMT 17 October 12-14, New Plymouth Boys High School. More info




Photo by Glen Carrie on Unsplash
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