How are you using te reo Māori in your classes?
If you want help finding the right translation for a maths word, try looking it up on
For te reo Māori maths & stats content have a browse of nzmaths. Did you know nzmaths may be viewed in te reo Māori or te reo Pakeha and many of the resources have supports for including te reo Māori in your lessons.
Maybe find some whakataukiī that work for your classroom. Here are two to start
- He waka eke noa |We are all in this together : Encourage students to work collaboratively
- Kaua mā te waewae tūtiki, engari mā te ūpoko pakaru | Perservere with determination, don’t be put off by small obstacles
or better still ask your ākonga what whakataukī they know that could be used
Wondering how to incorporate more te ao Māori into your maths classroom? Login to your nzmaths account and work through the e-ako PLD 360 modules on culturally responsive practice. They are designed to help you build your understanding of te ao Māori and offer practical ways to apply these understandings in your mathematics teaching.