UPDATED: Resources and recordings available
For statistics day this year we took a slightly different tack as we were online. The day opened and closed with keynotes from Simon Harris and Michael Shadbolt. If you missed the keynotes you can catch them on the AMA Youtube channel or the Statistics teachers day website.
Between the keynotes explored worlds of data with three focuses at curriculum level 6: sample-to-population inference, probability modelling, and prediction.
- Re-imagined the world from a teaching and learning perspective
- Reviewed and shared conceptual development ideas based on local and international research and good old kiwi ingenuity (AKA what have we learnt from our experiences to date)
- Refreshed how we think about data and possibilities for learning new things about the [student’s] world
Anna has collated all the resources and recordings for these workshops for easy viewing and use by you and your colleagues onto their own website. Once you have had a break and recharged this site is definitely worth a visit or revist.
Statistics teachers day website: https://sites.google.com/
Exploring worlds through data website: https://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~fergusson/exploring_worlds/index.html