With the likelihood that some  New Zealand schools may need to close for a period of time in order to “flatten the curve” of the COVID-19 pandemic you might be looking for ways your students can continue to learn from home. Here are some home grown and other options:

Pathways Awarua
Pathways Awarua is developed by the Tertiary Education Commission to support adult and young adult learners to strengthen their literacy and numeracy skills in contexts that are relevant to New Zealanders.

The Pathways Awarua Secondary Space has been tailored to meet the needs of secondary students and their teachers. Accounts for all New Zealand schools have been funded by the Ministry of Education.

e-ako maths from nzmaths supports learning from curriculum levels 1 through 5
Set your classes up and track progress from anywhere. Find out more here and on their  facebook page

STEM Online  a free interactive teaching and learning resource for NCEA external standards 91027 and 91028.


Robyn Headifen has collected a number of links to free sites around the world here that could be tapped into for online teaching resources

and recently shared by Pip Arnold an open resource of lessons from Concord Consortium the home of CO-DAP interactive graphing software

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