Te Rōpū Kaiako Pāngarau o Aotearoa | The New Zealand Association of Mathematics Teachers in association with the Taranaki Mathematics Association, welcome you to join teachers, educators, professionals and all interested parties in New Plymouth, Taranaki, for the 17th National Mathematics and Statistics Conference 11th – 13th October, 2022!
The conference theme is Whāia te maunga teitei | Reach your peak
BREAKING NEWS – Registration for the 2022 conference is now open!!
Grab the early bird price by registering before July 8th
Early Bird Price $350 plus $75 for conference dinner

PPTA Grant to attend conference
Members of PPTA can apply for a grant of up to $700 to attend a subject association conference or workshop. PPTA anticipate being able to provide 5000 teachers with this grant per year. It must be applied for after the event, using the form on the PPTA website.