Download the updated document  at this link you can also


  • Watch a pre recorded webinar and download the associated slides
  • Register to attend a live webinar
  • Explore the current implementation pack, a pack of implementation supports for schools and kura to use to start implementing the refreshed New Zealand Curriculum. The Readiness Tool inside it is a useful starting point to help you plan into the change over time, from 2023.
  • Provide feedback up until May 12 through the survey
Key updates for mathematics and statistics 
[From slide 33]

Connections with Mātaitipu, [how to weave parts of the learning area],  have been made more explicit in the purpose statement

The scope of each of the Understands, Knows and Dos have been clarified.

The key change in the progress outcomes is that the structure and size of the mathematics and statistics learning area is the same as English and TeAo Tangata-social sciences.

Descriptions have been made more detailed and consistent across phases.

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