A key part of the New Zealand Curriculum (NZC) refresh, is the development of updated strategies for mathematics and literacy, Te Reo Matatini me Pāngarau.

The Ministry last week posted background information about this

Read: A short 2 pager outlining what the literacy & numeracy changes mean for us and why


You can also Read: A 2 page summary of progress and acheivement and the context of mathematics and statistics learning in NZ 

This summary give us a broad picture of student achievement and progress in mathematics and statistics learning in English-medium early learning and schools. It also presents information about teachers’ knowledge and experiences and common practices in teaching
mathematics and statistics

If you want to go a bit deeper you can read the full report and other papers relating to literacy at this link https://www.education.govt.nz/our-work/changes-in-education/national-curriculum-refresh/strategies-for-literacy-and-mathematics/


If you wish to know more about the curriculum refresh You can view the presentation slides for Mathematics and statistics. or watch Esa Samani’s presentation from HOD day as she talked to these slides


If you missed the release of sample numeracy and literacy assessment questions – have a look here. 


The ministry of Education are gathering information and input until the end of July.  To have your say or offer any thoughts or additional information you think will help us, please email us at Literacy.Maths@education.govt.nz

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