This term has certainly thrown us a few curved balls. Lots has been happening and shared over March  Scroll down through this post for things that interest you

If you missed the February post you can find it here 

Ministry Information

The ministry have expanded PLD offering to schools, 3 options to apply currently include

  • Hybrid Learning
  • NCEA implementation
  • Regionally allocated PLD

Read more about these here 


Numeracy and literacy: 

Why is numeracy important ? find the answer to this and a bundle of resources in the Numeracy Toolkit from Victoria, Australia

The New numeracy standard. We are collating things and posting them here in one place on the website: see here. Latest additions are the pedagogical guides [NPG]  these are guides for teachers of other learning areas illustrating ways numeracy may be embedded in their teaching and learning

Keynote from Karen Chow : Karen is the learning area lead for numeracy and she spoke at our AGM. You can view the recording and download her slides here 



NZQA have published their moderators reports includes information on evidence gathering templates, experiments level 2&3 and online courses teachers
Recent reports & online discussions

The Literacy & Communication and Maths Strategy, and Hei Raukura Mō te Mokopuna – our strategies for supporting and empowering teachers and learners to succeed in maths, communication, literacy, te reo matatini and pāngarau. For a quick overview read the press release

If you missed the webinar Mathematics and statistics teaching at primary school with Associate professor Fiona Ell, Dr Lisa Darragh and The Education Hub you can catch up with it here.


Classroom Corner

Sometimes we are in need of some inspiration. These sites are rich sources of data for investigations, ready to go lessons and ideas to build your own lessons from.

++ How many laps for a 5km race? if you change out the maps for one from your local area, you will be ready to go with a contextually relevant lesson.
++ How big are sunspots?

  • Ready to go in google slides: open middle problems. These have the same starting and and end points with multiple pathways in between
  • From the Ministry of Education : Home learning packs – These are targeted at Years 1-3, 4-6,7-8 and 9-10 some maths included in each level
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