HOD day is upon us and we are looking forward to meeting kanohi ki te kanohi [face to face] again.
Registration has closed. If you have only just received confirmation that you can attend please email us at admin@aucklandmaths.org.nz
- Date: Friday May 19
- Where: Due Drop events centre, Manukau
- How much? 135+GST AMA members & 165+GST AMA non members
On the day:
- Registration desk opens at 8:10am, tea and coffee will be available on arrival
- Remember to park in the south carpark, enter through Gate 2 or Gate 3
Find all the information about the day on the event website
Keynote 9am: Leading through choppy seas with Laurayne Tafa
Our whakataukī for this years HoD day is He moana pukepuke e ekengia e te waka – A choppy sea can be navigated.
In this keynote Laurayne will share with us her whakaaro around this whakatauki.
Laurayne is a highly skilled and engaging professional with extensive experience in instructional and transformational leadership, teaching, advisory and evaluation.
She focuses on building capability withing school communities for cultural transformation and draws on evidence-based research to improve organisational performance.
Laurayne is unapologetic about supporting schools to challenge the status quo to achi
Panel Discussion: The NCEA change programme 2:15pm .
The NCEA Change Programme is the result of Kōrero Mātauranga in 2018. As we look towards the imminent implementation of NCEA Level 1 and the new literacy and numeracy requirements, a panel from the Ministry of Education working in the NCEA Change Programme are here to respond to your questions, concerns and hear your feedback.
Join Mark Hooper (Learning Area Lead for Mathematics and Statistics), Catherine Newson (Lead Secondary Advisor), Edwin Small (NCEA Implementation Facilitator – Mathematics and Statistics) and Karen Chow (Learning Area Lead – Numeracy) for this kōrero.
To begin the conversation with the panel, we encourage you to submit your questions prior to the day either at registration or using this form
Note. no questions will be taken from the floor during the session.
HOD day is Pink Shirt day – bring your pink on the day
Find all the information about the day on the event website