Many of you will be wondering what is happening with the NCEA review and what progress has been made on the new numeracy standards in particular.

This weeks’ Ministry bulletin has documents with snippets of information for schools, on the upcoming Teacher only days which you may have already seen.

The TOD day is designed to be a whole school day and the Ministry have prepared modules for teachers to work through together. These will be made available through your school.

The infographic for the day shows module 4 will be of particular interest to mathematics and statistics teachers as it focusses on the new mandatory literacy and numeracy standards.

In that module will be information about

  • proposed changes to NCEA resubmission process
  • the 20 credit Literacy & Numeracy package


The LMS Navigation document is instructional but reading the slides there are snippets of information on changes


  • A common benchmark for literacy & numeracy has been developed which sits at Level 4/5 of the curriculum
  • Literacy & Numeracy will be a 20 credit package that is a co-requisite to NCEA qualifications
  • Literacy & numeracy will be externally assessed
  • These standards will be a mandatory component of NCEA from 2023 & will replace what we currently have.

This new package will require schools to support literacy and numeracy across the curriculum ( ie not just leave this to english and mathematics)

The TOD Modules gives an insight into numeracy on slide 6

Highlighted in there are Curriculum progress tools. The curriculum progress tools incorporate the Learning Progression framework (LPF) and the PACT tool in addition to the more well known PAT and e-asTTle

Useful documents from the LPF are the big ideas for each aspect which documents the progression of student learning and thinking. The last signpost in each aspect of the LPF shows where students should be at the end of Year 10.

Questions for teachers :

  • How familiar am I with diagnostic tools available to support literacy and numeracy?
  • How can I support literacy and numeracy in my learning area?


There will be an opportunity to provide feedback on the draft English-medium NCEA Literacy and Numeracy standards and supporting resources from 18 November to 18 December 2020. More information to follow.

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