NZAMT is calling for applications for the Ernest Duncan award.
The awards are of monetary value and available to teachers at any New Zealand school within the meaning of the Education Act.

This award is presented annually and made in recognition of an individual’s outstanding contribution to the classroom teaching of mathematics and statistics.

Wondering what outstanding contribution to the classroom looks like. Have a browse of what past recipients of the Ernest Duncan Award have done 

2020 winners of the Ernest Duncan Awards were

  • Subash Chandar  K
  • Cherell Wilson
  • Peter Wetherall

see more award recipients and what their outstanding contribution was  on the NZAMT page

Applications must be submitted to NZAMT by Friday September 30, 2022 using this form 

The panel uses these general criteria when making their decisions

  • an effective sequence or resource for teaching mathematics and statistics  in primary, intermediate or secondary school classes;
  • a device for teaching some aspects of mathematics and statistics
  • a television, video, audio-visual or other communication programme on or for teaching mathematics and statistics;
  • a paper proposing or examining a method of teaching mathematics.

Applicants must indicate their contribution to the classroom teaching for mathematics and provide evidence of fulfilling the criteria.


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