Ānō me he whare pūngāwerewere.
Behold, it is like the web of a spider
This whakataukī was chosen as it celebrates intricacy, complexity, interconnectedness, and strength.
The learning area of mathematics and statistics weaves together the effort and creativity of many cultures that over time have used mathematical and statistical ideas to understand their world.
Last week the Ministry published the second draft of the maths & stats refreshed curriculum
The curriculum moves to progression model where ‘phases of learning’ replace the curriculum levels which are cumulative in nature
- Y0–3 Te tupu pāhautea i te taiao ako e haumako ana i te reo matatini me te pāngarau | Thriving in environments rich in literacy and numeracy
- Y3–6 Te whakawhānui i ngā pae o te mātauranga me te mahi tahi | Expanding horizons of knowledge and collaborating
- Y7–8 Te aro atu ki te ao whānui me te kōkiri kaupapa hei hāpai tahi i ētahi atu | Seeing ourselves in the wider world and advocating with and for others
- Y9-10 Te whai ahunga, te manaaki i ētahi atu me te mau tonu ki te manawaroa | Having a purpose and being empathetic and resilient
- Year 11-13 Te whakatere ara me te whakawhanake kahawhiri hei tautoko i te tāraitanga o āpōpō | Navigating pathways and developing agency to help shape the future
The learning strands of ‘Understand, Know and Do’ (UKD) will be woven together throughout
Of note is the changed framework sitting under the DO of Understand, Know Do ,
The structure of this is now formulate, Use, Generalise and Explain. This aligns with the 3 process outcomes in the new numeracy co-requisite.
There does not seem to be a portal as yet to give specific feedback on this version
If you are interested in readig some of the research behind the common practice model and the curriculum refresh, you can download to read from the NZCER website