Today the Ministry of Education Released draft learning matrices, sample course outlines and learning and assessment guides for all Level 1 subjects. You can find all this information for mathematics and statistics on the new NCEA  site


Download the draft learning matrix with the achievement objectives


4 standards are proposed for assessment, each worth 5 credits. 2 externals and 2 internals

1.1 Investigate data for a purpose, using statistical methods

Students will use the statistical or probability enquiry cycles to collect primary data and carry out three investigation types.


1.2 Solve mathematical and statistical problems that relate to life in Aotearoa and the Pacific

Students will make connections to form or use a mathematical or statistical model, while integrating information from a variety of sources and curriculum strands, to make predictions and generalisations.


1.3 Evaluate mathematical and statistical information (External)

Students will recognise the mathematics and statistics needed to make  well founded judgments and decisions by using mathematical literacy skills.


1.4 Demonstrate reasoning in mathematical contexts (External)

Students will reason mathematically to prove manipulate, solve, model or show equivalency in a range of the strands

View these under the assessment tab


Have your say

Public consultation on these draft standards and the subject matrix is open until April 19

To have your say on the draft information, click here

Clare Amos, Principal Albany Senior High School and DisruptED TV has made a short video that you might find useful to guide your submission.


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