In the last week YouCubed released their data science curriculum and say “The ability to work with, understand, and use data has become an essential life skill and requirement for an ever-expanding range of jobs and careers”
They argue that a fundamental shift is needed when it comes to what we teach.
In NZ we currently have a unique opportunity to consider including Data Science in our curriculum with a third subject being proposed at Level 3
Dr Michelle Dalrymple, HOD at Cashmere High School and last years winner of a Prime Ministers Science prize, advocates for us to seriously consider this and submit feedback to the Ministry.
Michelle shared a post on her blog outlining the discussions she had with her department. She suggests using the ideas in the post to start or continue the debate about what this third subject at Level 3 could look like in a brave new world.
- Have a read of Michelle’s blog,
- View Michelle’s slide deck and
- Start a conversation and share your feed back with the Ministry. We have until August 13 at this stage to do this
From the NCEA change video “I know at times change is frightening. I know it’s looking at something and thinking, I’ve done this like this for 10 years, or however long. I know my way around it, I’m happy and safe with it. But we need to have change. Change, in terms of looking at all the parameters that have been set up, and the developments that need to happen, is something that’s vital. Something we should be embracing and having a bit of fun with.” (Jane Dewar SEG English)
Full Document of proposed subjects at level 2 and level 3