April announcements from MoE

April announcements from MoE

UPDATED 27//4/23 1. Today the Literacy Pedagogical Guide for Maths & Stats was shared. Download from this link  This outlines effective literacy practices that Mathematics and Statistics teachers can engage in.   2. And on this page the PE & Health...
HOD day

HOD day

HOD day is upon us and we are looking forward to meeting kanohi ki te kanohi [face to face] again. Registration has closed. If you have only just received confirmation that you can attend please email us at admin@aucklandmaths.org.nz Date: Friday May 19 Where: Due...
Jim Campbell Awards : nominations open

Jim Campbell Awards : nominations open

The Jim Cambell Awards recognise personal excellence in Primary, Intermediate or Secondary classroom teaching and support given to others in enhancing their classroom teaching.   Nominations are called for these awards which recognise excellence in mathematics...
NZAMT offer grants for Conference in October

NZAMT offer grants for Conference in October

The New Zealand Association of Mathematics Teachers, (NZAMT), under the Network of Expertise proposes to support a limited number of its members to the NZAMT 18 Conference at Whangarei Boys High School in October 2023. The Conference grant entitles the recipient to up...
Draft Maths & Stats curriculum published

Draft Maths & Stats curriculum published

Ānō me he whare pūngāwerewere. Behold, it is like the web of a spider This whakataukī was chosen as it celebrates intricacy, complexity, interconnectedness, and strength. The learning area of mathematics and statistics weaves together the effort and creativity of many...
HOD & MU holders day

HOD & MU holders day

When:  Friday May 19 Where: Due Drop Events Centre ( formally Vodafone events centre) Manukau Save the date to connect with your colleagues to find out more about the impending changes Goto Event website Registration will open April 24 and close May...