NZQA news: support for internally assessed standards

NZQA news: support for internally assessed standards

Released this week from NZQA NZQA  announced additional  updates to their assessor support options for internally assessed standards, including the inference standards at Level 2 and 3, the graphical methods standard at level 2 and Trigonometry at level 3. These new...
Census at School biggest Launch ever

Census at School biggest Launch ever

The tenth Census at School | Tataurangakitekura survey launched Monday with a very cool new feature …. Live dashboard  Launch day by the numbers  1,871 teachers registered 1,010 schools registered 1,877 students took part today The survey remains open until the...
Accord day resources

Accord day resources

From the Ministry Bulleting for School leaders  Accord Teacher Only Days 2021 for secondary schools The first Accord Teacher Only Day 2021 supporting the implementation of the NCEA Change Programme begins today. When    Where 11 May   Wellington, Otago/Southland 13...
News & updates for Term 2

News & updates for Term 2

Kia ora * Talofa lava * Fakaalofa lahi atu * Kia orana * Ni sa bula vinaka * Namaste * Malo e lelei * Kam na Mauri * Talofa koutou * Taloha ni * ni hao ma *  Greetings The May update for teachers and kaiako of mathematics and statistics  includes information on HOD...
NZ Mathematical Society news

NZ Mathematical Society news

The NZ Mathematical Society promotes the development, application and dissemination of mathematical knowledge in New Zealand and currently focuses mainly on academic things. They publish a quarterly newsletter. Back issues may be found here  Page 6 of the current...
Conference grants available

Conference grants available

NZAMT 17 : Reach your peak – Whāia te maunga teitei New Plymouth Boys High October 12-14 2021 The New Zealand Association of Mathematics Teachers, (NZAMT), under the Network of Expertise proposes to support a limited number of its members to the NZAMT 17...