This weeks news

This weeks news

AMA online This terms AMAonline took place on Saturday with 217 teachers from across the country registering. Those that joined us  for the morning for treated to a fantastic array of ideas. If you registered and were called away then don’t worry the recordings...
55 days to get ready for Maths Week 2021

55 days to get ready for Maths Week 2021

Maths Week 2021 Monday 9 August until Friday 13 August. 278 000 students and 6 901 teachers took part in Maths Week in 2020 Maths Week is written for all students from Year 1 through to Year 11 and is available free, on-line, to teachers, parents and students. 2020...
#AMAonline Term 2 2021, June 19

#AMAonline Term 2 2021, June 19

Thank you to our wonderful presenters and hosts  who made this AMAonline session happen. Resources from the sessions are linked under the abstracts on this page and all together in this document. Recordings are processed and posted below. They are  also shared on the...
Census at School: home learning, social media, movies

Census at School: home learning, social media, movies

The 2021 Census at school database  is open for analysis and some interesting findings are emerging.   Seven out of ten New Zealand school students say that learning at home was the same or better during lockdown compared to learning in school normally. The...
HOD day – the curriculum refresh

HOD day – the curriculum refresh

Post by Dr Mala Nataraj; Te Kareti o Herewini – Selwyn College At this years HOD day, Esa Samani, Manager New Zealand Curriculum Refresh, shared with us where we are in this mahi, what it means for the mathematics and statistics learning area of the curriculum,...
Teaching time series in our covid-affected era new

Teaching time series in our covid-affected era new

An article by by Chris Wild and Rachel Passmore for NZSA Education Committee.  Republished from Census at School with permission All time-series forecasting methods make their forecasts by taking patterns from the past and projecting them into the future. (And there...