July: what’s been in the news?
A summary of various things shared since the last update NCEA change updates continued UPDATE: subject specific resources for the 2 Level 1 internals were shared by MOE on the 23 July : see the details The Ministry of Education have released the initial...
Maths SIG Conference Looking ahead – new curricula, new opportunities
The conveners of the NZARE Mathematics Education SIG are pleased to announce a day conference for sharing of research in mathematics education, scheduled to dovetail with the New Zealand Association of Maths Teachers (NZAMT) Conference in New Plymouth. Monday 11th...
AMA Funding for NZAMT17 in Taranaki – deadline extended
Cheryl Everitt from Waiuku College was the lucky recipient for the first grant to this years NZAMT17 conference. Cheryl won her grant in the HOD day conference prize draw and is gifting it to one of her early career teachers. You too could be a recipient of up to...
Being Proportional
A face to face workshop where we explored the progression of our ākonga becoming proportional across curriculum levels 3 to 5. This workshop was designed for teacher of students in years 5 through to 10 and presented by Marie Hirst and Robyn Headifen. Download...