HOD day, July 1, Registration opens in 2 days

HOD day, July 1, Registration opens in 2 days

We are excited to be again being able to meet kanohi ki te kanohi |face to face for HOD & MU holders day This year HOD & MU holders day is back at the Vodafone Events Centre in Manukau on Friday July 1   Join us for a day of catching up with old friends...
AMAonline22: May 28

AMAonline22: May 28

A huge thanks to our presenters who have willingly shared  the hosts who managed the sessions and to everyone who joined us live to give life to the morning. It was great to see people joining from across the motu. Keep spreading the word. We will be live again on...
Literacy and Numeracy Markers required for pilot marking 

Literacy and Numeracy Markers required for pilot marking 

If you would like to be involved in the marking of the pilot numeracy assessment this year NZQA are looking for markers. These are part time paid contract roles with NZQA. Closing date 29 June 2022 Apply here  Markers will be required to attend an online training...
Rocket lab experience for teachers

Rocket lab experience for teachers

Be part of Rocket Lab’s inaugural cohort of Rocket Lab Space Educators, a free professional development program for teachers and educators. Applications close May 10  Space Educators are a small group of classroom teachers who are already doing extraordinary...
NZAMT Conference 2022 – Registrations open

NZAMT Conference 2022 – Registrations open

Te Rōpū Kaiako Pāngarau o Aotearoa | The New Zealand Association of Mathematics Teachers in association with the Taranaki Mathematics Association, welcome you to join teachers, educators, professionals and all interested parties in New Plymouth, Taranaki, for the 17th...