Webinar: CODAP starting from zero
The International Association for Statistical Education (IASE https://iase-web.org/) July webinar. is coming up. This month Tim Erickson, eeps Media, who shared a session with us in the last AMAonline will be presenting a session on using CODAP to explore the stories...
Prismatic Issue 6 published
Prismatic (Practice and Research in Statistics and Mathematics) is an online journal of research and practice in mathematics and statistics education, designed to connect and inform people who are interested in the teaching and learning of mathematics and statistics...
New equations discovered by NZ teacher
Vladimir Miskovic of KingsWay School has discovered six equations, related to polynomial functions, not previously known in the world of mathematics. They have been validated as an original contribution to the body of mathematics and recently published in AMEJ...
Numeracy corequisite now 2024
Last week the Minister announced a pushback on the new NCEA Te Reo Matatini me te Pāngarau | literacy and numeracy standards. The standards will now be piloted for one more year before they become mandatory corequisites for NCEA in 2024. The new NCEA te reo matatini...