Draft action plan for Literacy, Communication Maths strategy
Following the release of the Literacy, Communication and Maths strategy earlier this year the Ministry has now released the draft Action Plan for Hei Raukura Mō te Mokopuna (for kaupapa Māori and Māori medium educational pathways) and the Literacy & Communication...
Learning Recognition credits announced for 2022
Today the Minister announced that learning recognition credits will be available for students working towards NCEA Level 1, 2 and 3. Read the full press release here In summary: Students will be able to receive Learning Recognition Credits, with one Learning...
Level 2 Statistics draft curriculum materials published
This week the Ministry of Education published the draft curriculum for NCEA Level 2 Statistics along with supporting resources. Have a browse of the 6 big ideas Observations can be transformed into data which has whakapapa and is a taonga Tāiringa kōrero allows for...
YouCubed: new tasks for a week of inspirational maths
In 2015, the team at YouCubed started a tradition called Week of Inspirational Maths (WIM) by releasing free lessons and videos designed for the first week of school, to get students excited about mathematics. New WIM resources have been added every year since then....