Mahuru 12, Rahoroi | Saturday September 12
What a wonderful morning we have had with 401 teachers registered from across Aotearoa registering. 🙂
The wordle above was made during Michelle Dalrymple’s session using Poll Everywhere similar tool to
Resources & recordings are being linked under each session description as they become available
If you attended live or watched the recordings we would love your feedback
9:00am – 9:45am Keynotes
Years 7-13: Setting up and maintaining a successful classroom with Dr Michelle Dalrymple, Cashmere High School and winner of this years NZ Science Teachers Prize
There is nothing better than a classroom full of enthusiastic Maths & Stats students; enjoying learning, contributing positively and making our job as teachers’ awesome. This session will cover some of the aspects and practices that Michelle values and uses in establishing and maintaining a positive learning culture with her classes. Her goal with all her classes is for students to be both successful academically and enjoy coming to Maths & Stats. The session will encourage all teachers to reflect on their established practices and search for improvements
Have a marshmallow and a pen and paper ready for this session
Dr Michelle Dalrymple is the Head of the Mathematics and Statistics Faculty at Cashmere High School in Christchurch. She is a passionate teacher who loves working creatively with her students to achieve their best possible outcomes. Michelle leads an amazing team of 18 hard-working and passionate teachers. She has run numerous teacher workshops over the years and is excited to be invited to present at the September AMA Saturday morning session.
- Recording
- Slide deck Marshmallow sheet Add your Horses here
- Michelle’s Blog
Years 0-10 Learning mathematics online: What do parents and principals think … and are they right? with Dr Lisa Darragh, The University of Auckland.
With easy access to the internet and many devices in schools, we have been exploring online methods of learning mathematics for years now. But COVID-19 has certainly forced us to use the internet for mathematics learning whether we like it or not. It is worthwhile taking a moment to consider the pros and cons of online mathematics learning.
Dr Lisa Darragh is a lecturer in the Faculty of Education and Social Work at the University of Auckland. She was a primary school teacher both in Aotearoa New Zealand and the far north of Canada before pursuing a PhD in mathematics education. Lisa’s research interests include mathematics learner and teacher identity, the impact of neoliberal policies on education and teacher professional learning in mathematics. Lisa’s passion for research makes its way into her teaching at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
10:10.45 am Session 1
Years 11-13: De-streaming Senior maths classes, Phil Truesdale
In 2019 and 2020 Papanui High School decided to have mixed ability Level One classes and move online. We will discuss what has happened so far, the pros and cons, and what it all means going forward.
Phil is the Pāngarau me te Tauanga Lead Teacher at Papanui High School, Christchurch and resistant to the status quo.
Years 7-10: Mai i ngā rā o mua, Dr Pania Te Maro
Mathematics and statistics are taught as if they hold a universal way of viewing and understanding the world, that is about explaining the world and how it is. There is a movement in education to make everyday life mathematical in order to help Māori and Pasifika learners (in particular) to achieve in mathematics. This presentation suggests another approach where mātauranga and kaupapa Māori (and Pasifika) can be equitably privileged with mātauranga and kaupapa mathematics/statistics.
Ko Hikurangi te maunga, ko Waiapū te awa, ko Ngāti Porou te iwi, ko Te Kapa a Hinekōpeka te tūrangawaewae, ko Pōkai te wharenui, ko Te whānau ā Pōkai te hapū, ko Pania Te Maro ahau!
My PhD called, “Mai i ngā rā o Mua: dialectical and knowledge-power relations in the interactions of Kura with maths education” asks, “How is it that maths education interrupts Kura communities’ commitment to Kaupapa and Mātauranga Māori; and has power to format Māori identities and expectations of education?” Kaupapa Māori research theory along with Marx and Foucault helped me to interpret my data. I envision a day when Kura deliver beyond-curriculum-maths, and do so in a way where kaupapa and mātauranga Māori are equitably privileged with kaupapa and mātauranga mathematics (not just curriculum maths, but maths that supports deeper more conceptual understandings and mathematical principles).
I am currently a senior lecturer teaching in an initial teacher education graduate diploma programme where I hope that I engage our students with te ao and te reo Māori enough for them to know how to be culturally sustaining in their classrooms.
Years 0-8: A-ha! I get it!” Supporting conversations in learning for all abilities. Margi Leech
Supporting conversations in learning for all abilities. How can teachers help all learners understand and communicate about mathematical concepts that we can’t see but experience? Come and see practical examples of how to use Bruner’s Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract approach to bring mathematics to life for learners at all levels of the Primary School.
Take away some fun ideas to make mathematics real in problem-solving.
Bring pen and paper to the session and some counters if you have them.
- Recording
- Slide deck
Margi ls passionate about sharing her knowledge of maths and different approaches gleaned from 40 years of being in education.oves teaching children. Now she sends most of her time providing PD for teachers in maths. Margi is also the lead provider for Numicon in NZ.
11:11.45 am Session 2
Years 11-13: Integrating mathematics and statistics within NCEA at level 1 and 2. Andrew Marshall
Andrew will share his experiences integrating mathematics at NCEA level 1, and 2.
Examples will include Mathematics and PE, Mathematics and Chemistry, Mathematics and Music, Mathematics and Food Technology.
- Recording
- No slide deck
Andrew has recently taken on he kaiarahi role for Waikato BAy of Plenty, prior to this he was a curriculum leader at Rototuna Senior High in Hamilton. Andrew trained as a primary school teacher and has taught both primary and secondary aged students overseas in international schools and in Nelson. He is very passionate about enthusing and motivating others to see the greatness of mathematics! He is also passionate about modern innovative learning. In his spare time Andrew indulges in international rock climbing adventures and races my road bike.
Years 7-10: Using projects to differentiate learning. Karen Falconridge
Creating projects that support learning and allow for wide differentiation.
Karen is HOD for Intermediate English and Mathematics at Rosmini College. She has always loved projects in both subject areas. Projects were the focus of her dissertation for her Masters of Mathematics Education. Karen uses projects as a way to differentiate learning, to assess and most importantly as a way for students to learn. She is continually thinking of alternative ways to keep students engaged and provide them with different opportunities to demonstrate understanding.
Years 0-8: The 5 practices in practice: Taking on classroom challenges. Bina Kachwalla.
The webinar engages in pedagogy that encourages effective practices in the classrooms. In this webinar, one of the five practices of orchestrating discussions, anticipating, will be the focus. Consideration will be given to strategies students use when solving a challenging task; how to respond to student work; and which student strategies address the mathematics to be learned. Some of the challenges and how to address them will be considered.
Bina is an accredited education consultant skilled in designing, delivering, monitoring and evaluating tailored professional development which builds the capacity of teachers and school leaders. She inspires leaders to develop collective efficacy through collaborative inquiry. She works with a diverse group of students, teachers, leadership teams and families and whānau to enhance student learning and accelerate achievement. She grounds her work on research to ensure that her practice is evidence-based, sustainable and supports the achievement of every student.
12:12.45 pm Session 3
Years 11-13: Music to my ears: Mix up your playlist for teaching statistics with some new “hits”. Anna Fergusson
In this workshop, I’ll share examples from my approach of “following the data” to create cohesive sets of learning activities. The focus of this workshop will be tasks that immerse students in a rich music-themed data-context, but unlike integrated learning tasks that require subject knowledge across two or more areas, you and your students don’t need to be musos to “sing along”! I’ll share some “hits” that align to curriculum level eight (Year 13) statistics, tasks you can use right now for mixing up your playlist for teaching statistics.
Anna Fergusson currently teaches introductory-level statistics at the University of Auckland. Before this, she was Head of Mathematics and Statistics at Avondale College. Anna loves the challenges of curriculum, assessment and technology-based learning design and enjoys facilitating workshops to support professional development of statistics teachers. She is currently undertaking a PhD exploring the design of tasks to introduce learners to data science, with a focus on inclusivity, engagement, accessibility and fun.
Years 7-10: Connecting culture with mathematics, Dr Jodie Hunter
Mathematics is integrated into all cultures and it is important for students to see themselves as coming from a mathematically rich cultural background. Using our work with diverse students from New Zealand classrooms, we will explore how tasks can be developed which integrate number, geometry and algebra from different cultural backgrounds. Specifically looking at the mathematics in craft-work and cultural activities such as dance, we will explore the mathematical ideas which could be drawn out. We will also work together to examine ways in which you could make connections with the home and community background of your students and develop culturally responsive/sustaining tasks which draw on the backgrounds of the students that you teach.
Dr Jodie Hunter is a senior lecturer at the Institute of Education and c-odirector of CeRME. She has broad research interests in Pasifika education and the teaching and learning of mathematics. Both in the UK and in New Zealand Dr Hunter has been involved in collaborative work with teachers and students across the country to facilitate change in their mathematics classrooms. Since her return to New Zealand she has a growing interest in the development of culturally responsive teaching for Pasifika students in the mathematics classroom.
Years 0-8: 3 Act mathematics in the online space, Megan Clune
Based on the work of Dan Meyer, this workshop will explore some primary and intermediate level problem solving scenarios that incorporate deliberate acts of teaching to ensure tasks and pedagogy account for low floor high ceiling. The rationale being that the problems you design are: accessible to all; promote success for all in a variety of ways; and offer multiple opportunities for extension – all the while promoting mathematical discourse as the foundation of the lesson with the added complexity of engaging students using the online space.
Megan Clune is a professional teaching fellow at the University of Auckland, lecturing in primary mathematics, technology and science education. Previously an Assistant Principal and lead teacher of mathematics and digital technologies, Megan has always had a passion for the learning and teaching of mathematics and holds a master’s degree in mathematics education. Her areas of interest include: mathematics curriculum change, student engagement in mathematics, and the affordances of digital technologies in the learning of mathematics.
If you haven’t caught up with what we did last term have a look at the Term 2 Saturday morning page