On this day in 1949 George Orwell’s novel, 1984, was published
Thank you to everyone involved in this terms AMAonline. We are ever appreciative of the presenters who share so willingly, to the teachers who bring life to the morning by joining live and those who are busy and register to watch the recordings at a time that suits. You can find the library of past recordings on the AMA’s YouTube channel
We will be back on September 14th in Term 3.
Slide decks and resources are being added as we receive them
Recordings will be linked over the next week
10am | 11am | 12pm |
Working in 3 Dimensions
Vince Wright |
Beyond the Textbook
Donna Golightly |
Making it Count, Teaching Mathematics in Years 1 to 3
Ruth Pritchard |
Embracing creativity through explorations in probability and modelling
Anna Fergusson
Teaching a Mathematical Enquiry Cycle
Brad Bridges Resource, slide deck & Recording |
Tūturu and Census at School.
Dr Pip Arnold, Dr Jenny Robertson & Kim Gotlieb CODAP link |
Tour of Tāhurangi
Kylie Begg |
Supporting student success in mathematics and statistics with a focus on fractions, decimals and percentages
Robin Averill & Sarah Howell |
10am – 10:50am
Working in 3 dimensions. Vince Wright, Maths Adventures
“The webinar is focussed on 3D objects with a target audience of primary school mathematics leaders and teachers in years 1-6. The content unpacks the progression of learning for 3D objects in the 2007 Curriculum as well as Te Mataiāho, with a focus on the Key Ideas, in particular, features, properties and classification. ”
Vince’s experience in maths education includes being a teacher, facilitator, director of professional learning, curriculum writer, and an Associate Professor. He was a key writer for the nzmaths website, works with NZCER and the Catholic Education Commission in Australia, and continues to support teachers in schools.
Embracing creativity through explorations in probability and modelling, Dr Anna Fergusson, The University of Auckland
A key thread of Anna’s research relates to the identification, teaching, and assessment of thinking practices that enable and empower learners to be “data creatives.” Specifically, she is trying to develop and evaluate teaching strategies that encourage learners to think creatively with data and technologies and to create products using data and technologies. This talk will draw on the big ideas related to tāiringa kōrero and te hononga to consider opportunities for embracing and promoting creativity through exploration-based tasks involving probability and modelling.
Dr Anna Fergusson is a Lecturer in the Department of Statistics | Te Kura Tatauranga at the University of Auckland | Waipapa Taumata Rau. Her research focuses on task and tool design for teaching data science and statistical modelling. Anna’s current projects include: designing effective professional development opportunities for high school data science teachers; developing technology to support the large-scale teaching and assessment of introductory level statistics and data science; and the assessment of integrated statistical and computational thinking for data science.
11am – 11:50am
Beyond the Textbook : Donna Golightly, Kristin School
This workshop will explore how digital tools can be used to enhance student learning in mathematics. We’ll discuss practical applications for integrating these tools in your classroom, focusing on numeracy skills, creativity, and collaboration. Additionally, the workshop will touch on the role of AI in education and how it can help teachers work more effectively. Spark your creativity and equip yourself with tools to explore the exciting possibilities of digital learning in mathematics.
Donna’s Slides also find them via
Donna has been involved in education for more than 30+ years but considers herself to still be learning. Her passion is helping others to use technology in a creative, purposeful and relevant way. She is a Google Certified Trainer, a Google Innovator, an Apple Professional Learning Specialist and an Apple Learning Coach.
Donna is currently working as a lead digital coach in a large independent school in Auckland, NZ while teaching a Year 6 class.
She regularly shares ideas for classroom integration in the primary years and loves helping others discover the magic and engagement digital activities can bring to their practice.
Tour of Tāhūrangi, Kylie Begg, Ministry of Education
The Ministry of Education are busy building a new curriculum hub, Tāhurangi. As part of this the resources from nzmaths are being migrated to Tāhurangi.
Kylie will walk us through how to find the resources we need on Tāhūrangi to support your mathematics and statistics programme.
Kylie Begg was a maths and science teacher and HOD for many years before joining the Ministry in 2022. She is the subject matter expert for mathematics and statstics in The New Zealand Curriculum and Te Whāriki group.
Brad slides , notes and the template
Brad is a Math and Computer Science teacher at St Peter’s College. He is also TiC Junior Math
12pm – 12:50pm
Making it Count, Teaching Mathematics in Years 1 to 3, Ruth Pritchard, ERO
The first few years of primary school are when crucial maths learning happens. Years 1-3 are when students develop the foundational maths skills and understandings that they need for future success.
Ruth will share insights from the recently published ERO report which looked at good practice in the teaching of maths in Years 1 to 3 how teachers can implement these practices in their classrooms.
Links from Ruth’s session
- ERO’s new research website: www.evidence.ero.govt.nz
- The full maths report: Making it Count: Teaching Maths in Years 1 to 3 (ero.govt.nz)
- The teacher guide: Teaching Maths in Years 1-3: Good practice guide for teachers (ero.govt.nz)
- The report summary: Making it Count: Teaching Maths in Years 1 to 3 Summary (ero.govt.nz)
- Facebook page Te Ihuwaka Education Evaluation Centre | Facebook and are on Linked in
Supporting student success in mathematics and statistics with a focus on fractions, decimals and percentages – Introducing a new microcredential, Robin Averill & Sarah Howell. Te Herenga Waka – Victoria University of Wellington
In this session we will discuss key ideas from a new course designed to empower teachers to teach fractions, decimals and percentages for student success and enjoyment. Selected content from the course will be shared including videos of expert teachers talking about their favourite teaching ideas.
Robin is passionate about all students having successful and engaging mathematics learning experiences. She has worked in primary and secondary school mathematics professional development and initial teacher education over many years and published a range of mathematics classroom resources and teacher professional reading.
Sarah is a secondary mathematics teacher, resource developer, and has taught introductory mathematics and statistics, and mathematics education and teaching courses at various universities. She is passionate about equity in participation, pathways, and achievement in mathematics and supporting students at all levels to feel positive about learning mathematics.
Tūturu and Census at School. Dr Pip Arnold, Karekare Education, Dr Jenny Robertson, NZHEA and Kim Gotlieb
Tūturu brings schools and health services together, so that students can learn, be well, and be prepared for a modern world.
Find out how the CensusAtSchool and Tūturu teams are collaborating to develop resources that will help students explore data, what it means to them, their peers, and their wellbeing; and consider what health-promoting actions can be taken to help students navigate a digital world and a world where alcohol exists.