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Learning area Whakatauki![]() |
Teaching financial capability in Mathematics
Maths week – getting ready
All years: Coffee and connections. Tabitha Gould, Cambridge Mathematics, UK
In this session Tabitha will share some of the ways in which Cambridge Mathematics are developing resources, including our popular Espressos, that can support you to critically engage with educational research as a powerful part of teacher professional learning. We will explore some ways in which these resources can deepen our knowledge about the structure of mathematics, specifically attending to connections within and between mathematical ideas.
A former mathematics teacher, Tabitha was a writer/designer for both NRICH and Underground Mathematics. She is now a writer, designer and researcher for Cambridge Mathematics and leads on the development of professional learning resources and opportunities for teachers.
Y1 -11: Maths Week – 25th Anniversary. Shane Barr, Cobham Intermediate School
Maths Week is 25 years young! Get a sneak preview of the topics, and activities for this year, as well as some tips about how to use maths week to celebrate maths in your community.
Shane has been working with gifted and talented students and extending their learning in mathematics for more than 15 years at Year 7-8. Shane’s commitment to giving back to the mathematics community is shown through his involvement with the Canterbury Mathematical Association as a member of their executive since 2017. This has led to his organising and leading professional development for teachers in Years 7-10, helping to run the local Cantamath competition, and most recently a member of the team who create Maths Week.
Y7-10: Teaching financial capability in Mathematics. Claire Bailey, Sorted in Schools
Why does financial capability matter?
Being good with money is an essential life skill. Sorted in Schools, Te whai hua – kia ora, is a free financial capability programme fully aligned to the National Curriculum. Claire will introduce you to the website and highlight some of the resources you can use with your year 7-10 students.
Claire is the Learning Specialist for Schools at Te Ara Ahunga Ora Retirement Commission. She has over 10 years of experience teaching in Auckland secondary schools.
Supporting the students who need a catch-up. Margi Leech, Edushop
In this session Margi will share with us why people struggle with maths and how by using manipulatives many misunderstandings can be resolved. She will show us how manipulatives and the the Numicon catch-up programme works and share ways it is currently being used to help students who need a catch up in schools.
Margi Leech is a primary teacher with extensive experience at intermediate level here in NZ and USA. She has seen the positive impact of using manipulatives in helping students develop their understanding and confidence in mathematics.
Y12-13: Mathematical discoveries as a result of my mathematical faith journey, Vladimir Miskovic, Kingsway School
Vladimir’s recent mathematical discoveries started with a quadratic functions investigation and expanded to the cubic, symmetrical quartic and symmetrical quintic functions. His discoveries are new to the world of mathematics and would make interesting investigations in our mathematics courses that include polynomial functions
In this session Vladimir will share his journey of discovery of the third equivalent format of a Cubic function, which he named Point of Inflection, the third equivalent of the symmetrical quartic and quintic functions.
You can read more about these discoveries in the Australian Mathematics Education Journal [AMEJ 3(1) 2021], [AMEJ 3(2) 2021 and AMEJ 3(3) 2021].
Vladimir is a mathematics and statistics teacher at Kingsway School
All years: Telling Data Stories with CODAP. William Finzer, The Concord Consortium, USA
We will learn how to use CODAP’s Story Builder to create stories supported by data, graphs, maps, images and other media. Students can create these stories as a product of projects, use them for interactive presentations, or post them on the Web for others to view and interact with.
Teachers can create stories that serve as introductions to data, a series of tasks or a launchpad for students getting started with an investigation. There are a lot of ways to use Story Builder for teaching and learning with data!
Bill Finzer has been working to get more use of data by teachers and students in more classrooms and in more disciplines for over 30 years. He leads the CODAP project and participates in curriculum development with a wide assortment of STEM projects. He lives and works in California’s San Francisco Bay Area.
All years: Exploring the mathematics and statistics whakatauki. Cami Sawyer, Ministry of Education
Kei hopu tōu ringa ki te aka tāepa,
engari kia mau ki te aka matua.
Cling to the main vine, not the loose one.
The learning area whakatauki for Mathematics and Statistics serves as inspiration for the Subject Expert Groups in the Review of Achievement Standards. In this session we will unpack the whakatauki and work together to find its meanings. Using the Te Aka Māori online dictionary and our extended abstract thinking skills we will explore how this metaphor can inspire our teaching and learning programmes.
- Soundcloud recording Tāwhaki and te Aka Matua | Law Commission
- Presentation slides
Y7-10: Kami and kenken. Tony Sears, Waiheke High School : Postponed until November 5
Kami is a platform for utilising and designing PDF’s. It is fantastic for online (distance) learning and is fully compatible with Google Classroom. When students are increasingly using devices for learning, this is magic.
Tony will demonstrate the wonders of Kami for mathematics teachers in a couple of settings, then use it to show how Kenken puzzles can be a fun way to foster numeracy and problem solving skills.
Tony is currently the Deputy Principal at Waiheke High School. He has previously been HOD Mathematics at two large Auckland secondary schools and holds a Masters of Education in Mathematics Education. Tony continues to be excited by learning new things and sharing good ideas with colleagues.
Y1-8: Discovering mathematics through art and culture. Renu Sikka, MoE curriculum lead primary and intermediate
Mathematics know no geographical boundaries. In this session, we will explore number and geometrical shapes through cultural and visual arts. Kaiako can transform their classrooms and school hallway into an art gallery showcasing their student’s Mathematical masterpieces. Whether it’s the Spanish artist Pablo Picasso or Brazilian artist, Romero Britto, its making students aware of the math that can be found in art by giving them ample opportunities to talk and discuss during lessons. It uses student voice to promote student efficacy. It identifies the language, culture and heritage of ākonga in our classrooms.
Renu is the curriculum lead for Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland primary and intermediate schools. She is also studying towards her Doctorate at AUT exploring, “ Implications for teaching practices when working with culturally diverse students in online learning environments in New Zealand primary schools.”
Image by anncapictures from Pixabay