UPDATED 27//4/23
1. Today the Literacy Pedagogical Guide for Maths & Stats was shared. Download from this link This outlines effective literacy practices that Mathematics and Statistics teachers can engage in.
2. And on this page the PE & Health Numeracy Enhanced plan was added to the kete. The set of activities in the document relate to youth binge drinking in Aotearoa. Links to Numeracy include using percentages and reading tables and graphs to observe trends.
There was a raft of announcements and publishing’s over the Easter Break: here is a quick list in case you have missed them:
- Refreshed Level 1 Maths and stats standards published You can also go back and look at the previous version if you wish
- The Minister’s announcement about the pushback on the NCEA Level 2 and 3 implementation and a summary on the NCEA website
- An update to How the requirements numeracy requirements are changing page to reflect changes
- The Common Assessment activity from September 2022 on the Numeracy Assessment page
- An updated draft of the Maths & Stats curriculum was posted at the end of Term 1. Final draft is due in Term 2
- Phase 1 of the Common Practice model was released
- Resources shared for Teacher only days this term
Other things:
- Maths Olympiad is May 8th 2023 and entries need to be in by Friday 28th April
- Voluntary Bonding Scheme deadline approaching to apply for funding for those that started teaching in 2020
- Applications open for this years NEiTa awards.
- Jim Campbell awards: get nominations in
- NZAMT Grants available to attend conference : deadline May 12
- Call for presenters to submit abstracts for NZAMT conference in October this year
- HOD day registrations open
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay