The Jim Cambell Awards recognise personal excellence in Primary, Intermediate or Secondary classroom teaching and support given to others in enhancing their classroom teaching.


Nominations are called for these awards which recognise excellence in mathematics teaching. 

They are presented biennially at the NZAMT Conference.  


The criteria for these awards are:

  1. excellence in the teaching of pāngarau/mathematics or tauanga/statistics in the classroom at a particular school or kura; and
  2. contribution and support to pāngarau/mathematics or tauanga/statistics teaching at other schools/kura in the district and/or contribution to pāngarau/mathematics or tauanga/statistics teaching throughout Aotearoa New Zealand; and
  3. support of a local pāngarau/mathematics or tauanga/statistics association.


Teachers currently teaching in primary, intermediate and secondary schools or kura may be nominated.

Nominations on the official form are to be made initially by a teacher, principal or other mathematics educator.

Three referee statements on the official forms are required, one of which must be from a person not teaching at the same school.

It is the nominator’s responsibility to request the appropriate forms and distribute them.


All nominations must be supported by your regional mathematical association.

Nominations close on May 19, 2023


Forms can be downloaded from:

or requested by email from

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