Following the release of the Literacy, Communication and Maths strategy earlier this year the Ministry has now released the draft Action Plan for Hei Raukura Mō te Mokopuna (for kaupapa Māori and Māori medium educational pathways) and the Literacy & Communication and Maths Action Plans (for English-medium learning settings).

These plans are intended to be used as guides to strengthen the teaching and learning of te reo matatini, pāngarau, literacy, and numeracy across our education system over the next five years.

The plans outline the  specific steps being taken to realise the strategy’s vision: bringing joy, equity, and clarity back into the teaching and learning of literacy & communication and maths. They lay out the provision of resources, PLD, and supports to help you give your ākonga the best start in their learning of those foundational skills.

The action plans have five key focus areas, each dedicated to supporting and strengthening our education system from early learning through to the end of schooling.

To find out more about the the Action Plans and the work the Ministry will be doing to support us over the next few years, download and browse:

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