This week the Ministry of Education published the draft curriculum for NCEA Level 2 Statistics along with supporting resources.
Have a browse of the 6 big ideas
- Observations can be transformed into data which has whakapapa and is a taonga
- Tāiringa kōrero allows for creativity and exploration, and the discovery of statistical concepts, theories, and models
- Statistical models are used to explore situations and problems around us
- Critical thinking and statistical generalisations emerge from te hononga of different observations, knowledges, and processes
- Statistical thinking acknowledges that variation and uncertainty is present and may be quantified and explained
- In Statistics, wānanga stimulates logical argument, investigation, analysis, and justification, supporting critical evaluation and reasoned conclusions
Explore the supporting resources; sample teaching and learning plans, draft assessment tasks for the two internal standards
- 2.1 Use statistical inquiry for data exploration
- 2.2 Demonstrate understanding of statistical claims
Share your thoughts and suggestions through this survey on the consultations page
Your feedback will help to refine the materials so they are ready for piloting in 2024.
The survey closes at midnight on Sunday 28 August 2022.