NEiTA [National Excellence in Teaching Award] 2022 is now open and accepting nominations.
Is there an unsung education hero you’d like to shine a light on.
We all know someone who just gets on with their work, day-in day-out, dedicating themselves to their students, and always thinking of a better way to teach and learn.
Well, it’s time to reward them for their efforts. To say thanks for everything.
And tell them how exceptional they are.
and nominate them now
Anyone in your school community – parents, colleagues, the school principal, or school council members – can nominate a teacher or school leader for a NEiTA Award.
There are lots of award categories
Apple Award: to acknowledge outstanding teachers who’ve gone above and beyond for their students.
NEiTA Founders’ Principals Award for Leadership: presented in recognition of outstanding stewardship of student education and welfare, and exemplary school community leadership in a year of pandemic.
Seed Award: presented in recognition of the efforts of preschool teachers and early childhood educators who lay the foundations for lifelong practice and enjoyment of learning.
NEiTA Seed Award for Early Childhood Team Excellence: presented in recognition of the team’s outstanding collective contribution to student education and welfare.
The Smith Family-NEiTA Award for Powering Potential: presented in partnership with The Smith Family, in recognition of an outstanding educator for inspiring students experiencing disadvantage to achieve their full potential.
Teacher Mentor Award: presented in recognition of outstanding peer mentoring and exemplary sharing of professional practice.
Terry O’Connell Regional and Remote Teachers’ Award: presented in acknowledgment of the benefits the teacher has brought to students and the wider community through their untiring efforts and community involvement.
NEiTA Early Career Teaching Award: presented in recognition of the teacher’s ability to more than meet the specific learning needs of students within a few years of entering the teaching profession.
Futurity Parents’ Award in acknowledgment of being adjudged the best teacher nominated by a Futurity member.