Kia ora,

As the year starts to wind down, I reflect back on what has been accomplished amongst multiple lockdowns and quite turbulent times.  We have managed to get Saturday morning online PD every term, and our end of year Mathematics and Statistics days are just around the corner (see above),  as well as many other initiatives.  It certainly hasn’t been quiet.

I would like to give my personal thanks to everyone that has been involved, helped out, and participated in the online events, focus groups and various other activities that have gone on throughout 2021.  It shows our community has great tenacity, perseverance and commitment to get the best for our ākonga, and I sincerely thank you for this.  The AMA has talked about the particular efforts maths teachers have had to make in this region and acknowledge this mahi.

Do ensure you take a break over the Christmas period, enjoy time with your whānau, get that well deserved rest you have all earned.  We shall see you back in the New Year.

Take care

Nga mihi nui

Steve Jupp

AMA President

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