Cheryl Everitt from Waiuku College was the lucky recipient for the first  grant to this years NZAMT17 conference. Cheryl won her grant in the HOD day conference prize draw and is gifting it to one of her early career teachers.
You too could be a recipient of up to $500 towards attending NZAMT17.

If you have been unsuccessful in securing full support from your school or with the PPTA $700 grant, AMA is offering funding to a limited number of Auckland teachers and kaiako towards their costs of going to the NZAMT17 conference.
These grants will be paid on provision of a GST receipt of actual expenses incurred.
The deadline for this application is Friday 30 July 2021.

For the link to apply for this grant or the PPTA $700 grant to attend a subject association conference

Click here 

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