Coming up is the annual New Zealand Engineering Science competition organised by the University of Auckland’s Department of Engineering Science, and sponsored by Orion Health and Fisher & Paykel Healthcare.
This fun and challenging competition is for teams of three or four Year 12 or 13 students with $10 000 worth of prizes up for grabs, $6000 for the winning team and two runners up prizes of $2000 each.
In a nut shell:
Who: teams of three or four Year 12 or 13 students plus a teacher to supervise
What: A day long problem solving competition for teams of 3–4 students.
Where: At your school.
When: 10am to 6pm on Saturday 1 August. Registrations close Friday 24 July 2020.
How: Students use their skills in mathematics, physics, computing, logical thinking and writing to answer a problem revealed on the morning of the competition
Why: A chance for fame, fortune and fun! If your team is a winner you get a share of the prize money.