AMA Networks of Expertise are running a series of 40 minute zoom sessions to discuss and share ideas around key questions for NZ  teachers of Years 0 to 8

 All sessions start at 3.30pm and will run for approximately 40 minutes and are free to join

Hosts Marie Hirst & Robyn Headifen, Kaiārahi, Networks of Expertise

Please register  using  this link,  we will then send you a link to join the scheduled zoom meeting.

  • Thursday 30th April: How are we continuing to maintain strong relationships with our students (in the class and/or remotely). Share top tips and an opportunity for Q&As
  • Friday 1st May: What might a week of mathematics learning look like? How much? How is it organised? What home learning tasks are most engaging our students? Share top tips and an opportunity for Q&As
  • Monday 4th May: Maths Games and Number Routines. How can we continue to do these successfully during distance learning? Share top tips and an opportunity for Q&As
  • Tuesday 5th May: What successes are we having with live or pre-recorded maths lessons? e.g. tools used,  length, activity, student interaction? Share top tips and an opportunity for Q&As

If you have any queries or suggestions for future support for teachers of mathematics and statistics in years 0-8  please contact us

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