Get your applications in  over the holiday break for ether the teacher excellence prize of the year long fellowship.

Teacher Excellence awards & Teacher fellowships available

The Margaret and John Kalman Trust are generously sponsoring four $5,000 prizes for secondary school teachers and four prizes of $2,500 for primary and intermediate teachers to acknowledge and support the amazing work being done by mathematics and statistics teachers in the Auckland region.

Groups of teachers who have collaborated on a specific project may also submit a joint application for the primary, intermediate or secondary prize.

Fellowships are awarded each year to develop teachers and leaders in the Secondary Mathematics and Statistics teaching community. The Fellowship is a year long programme at the University of Auckland’s Department of Mathematics.

Read about what last years Kalman teacher excellence recipients and Kalman fellows did. You might be surprised

More information and application forms

Recipients of a Kalman award will be encouraged to participate in professional development events run by the Auckland Mathematical Association and to share their ideas with local Mathematics/Statistics associations nationwide.

John Kalman was a professor of Mathematics at the University of Auckland from 1964 to 1993, and a leading promoter of Mathematics in New Zealand.



Applications are invited from any primary or intermediate or secondary mathematics and statistics school teacher in the Auckland Council region. . SELECTION CRITERIA

Any examples of excellence in the teaching of Mathematics and Statistics at primary or intermediate levels will be considered. Examples from the following categories will be particularly welcomed.

  • Stimulation of Interest – teachers who have inspired student interest in mathematics by making the subject exciting and relevant
  • Teaching Innovation – teachers who have introduced new ways of making mathematical concepts more fun to learn and more able to be understood.
  • Teaching Excellence – teachers who have demonstrated the integration of research in mathematics or statistics education into their classroom practice.
  • Early Career Teaching Excellence – teachers who have demonstrated excellence in their teaching of Mathematics and/or Statistics during their first five years of their career.
  • Equity – teachers who have made a significant contribution to the teaching and learning of mathematics in under- represented groups such as Maori, Pacific Island and female students.
  • Service – teachers who have made a significant contribution to the teaching and learning of mathematics and statistics in ways that extend beyond their own school community.


To read more about the work of John Kalman to download the application form click here 

Any questions contact Rachel Passmore at the University of Auckland

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